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Live Streaming To YouTube/Facebook/Twitch

Views : 426
Update time : 2023-09-08 09:37:25

The quality of the live stream broadcast can make or break the viewer's experience. Lagging video and choppy audio can distract from the information you're trying to share. This requires a dedicated live streaming hardware encoder.


live streaming


The main advantage of hardware video encoders for live streaming is quality. You'll be able to get live streaming video that looks just like your regular video source, with virtually no lag.


The live streaming encoders from KUNUOMAGIC are highly capable, so they are well-suited for supporting professional streaming setups. It is a robust hardware encoder for live streaming. With KUNUOMAGIC’s video encoder, you can send your encoded video to live streaming platform like YouTube/ Facebook/Twitch/Wowza in the device web console.


Video Encoder For Live Stream
